
Wrapper-Tucker Patterning in Grass Leaves

Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analyses of Shoot Meristem Ontogeny and Function

Single-cell transcriptomic analysis with representative in situ of maize shoot apical meristem

Ligule & Auricle Development in the Proximal-Distal Axis of the Maize Leaf

Maize ligule development paneled figure with LIGULESS1 in situ and immunolocalization

Comparative Analyses of WOX3 and LG1 Function During Grass Shoot Development 

NARROWSHEATH mutant phenotype and NS1 in situ shows accumulation at 2 edges of the maize shoot apical meristem

Genome-wide Dissection of Leaf Angle Variation Across the Canopy in Maize

Genome-wide Dissection of Leaf Angle Variation graphic
Widespread variation in leaf angle across the canopy is shown for 8 maize inbreds with available whole‐genome sequence information. Leaf angle measurements were calculated at the ear leaf, three leaves above the ear (1, 2, and 3), and three leaves below the ear ‐1, ‐2, and ‐3). Regression lines capture the trend of leaf angle variation across the canopy. Leaves gradually open (wide angle) in EP1, leaf angle is nearly identical in B104, and leaves become gradually more upright leaves in B73.

Funding acknowledgement of NSF and USDA